Manchester Geological Association
MGA logo Founded 1925
Online events
Outdoor Events
Indoor Meetings
Manchester Building Stones
The North West Geologist
Photo Gallery
Who's Who
Other Events

A Building Stones Guide to Central Manchester
Third Edition (2014)
Four self-guided walks through the city centre
Now available to purchase
The Manchester Geological Association welcomes new members. Anyone with an interest in geology can join the Association at any time.

We were formed in 1925 to bring together professional and amateur geologists in and around Manchester.

We are actively concerned in the conservation of key geological sites in the area.

We organise field excursions during the summer to places such as the Lake District, Scotland, Peak District and North Wales.

In the winter we hold monthly lectures by expert speakers at the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences at the University of Manchester, where we also have access to a library of geological books and maps.

We join other local Geological Societies for their lectures and field trips.

Quarterly newsletters giving full details of trips and other news are mailed to members.

Manchester Geological Association is registered as a charity (Charity No. 500532). Our constitution can be read in pdf or Word format.

This web site was last updated on 27 May 2024